Category: Teen Safety

In this section we have articles that will inform you about safety at school, work, home and at play. If you ever get injured while enjoying a sport or if you find someone injured, get help immediately. There is also information available if you are a parent of a teenager. These can be very ‘interesting’ years.

You can learn basic first aid and have the knowledge you need in case of the event of an emergency and while waiting for emergency personnel to arrive on the scene. While we can’t teach you hands-on first aid over the internet — because you should be taught in person — use our “First Aid” section as a reference tool and also to learn what to do if an unexpected emergency should occur.

Another very important topic to both sexes is how to reduce your chances of becoming a victim of crime! No one expects this to happen to them, but it does in the U.S. and all over the world everyday.

Remember… it’s cool to care, but better to be aware!

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