glam girl

Glam Girl tells you ~ What’s sizzlingly stylish for Fall 2002!

So, I’m not going to tell you what’s not trendy this season. Don’t you just hate it when you hear some self-proclaimed fashionista say, ” Oh, those are so last season !I wouldn’t be caught dead in those!” I know I do!

I’m going to fill you in on what’s been hitting the ramps and give you a slight inkling as to what common trends you should stay clear of. Another thing, It isn’t a pretty sight to see someone who’s piled on the trends all  at once (a “trends junkie”)
See what you’re comfortable with, mix and match one or two with your existing wardrobe-and voila! a trendy chick expressing her own style-Now that’s what we like! 🙂

On the Ramps this Fall….

This season showcased something remarkably unique. It was clear, imaginative and a mòlange of just about everything. Light, flirty fabrics teamed with pointy rocker boots. Quite a statement! It was all about “flirty attitude” as I like to call it. So here’s what’s hot this fall, as seen on catwalks around the world!

Denim-in all it’s glory!

Yup, this comfy fabric has made quite a comeback! Experiment with various washes, even bleach your own jeans! Modified jean jackets and tapered jeans are all the rage.


Wild Boots!

Boots have come back like never before! Wear them pointy, ankle length, calf high or go all out in expressing your attitude with knee high boots. The latest is wearing boots with fishnets, striped socks or other leg wear that peeks from the top of your sassy shoes.


Hotter than ever-designers unveiled skirts that showed a tad more leg. Boots and leggings added a much-needed warm touch.


Romantic tops

This season has imbibed what will be next spring’s signature. Flirty, transparent and romantic tops beckon. Don’t forget to wear them with your sexy new boots!



                        All American

Well, I can tell you this -red, white and blue aren’t just for the Americans. Fashion’s a great way to express our feelings and in the wake of the September 11 attacks, we need just that.



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Amy - Teen's Health Expert

By Amy - Teen's Health Expert

Discover the dedicated author behind Teen Health Secrets, an experienced expert committed to providing in-depth knowledge and guidance on various aspects of teen health, ensuring young individuals lead healthy, informed lives.