sex faqs

Sexual FAQs

Q. Can a guy get a yeast infection if he has oral sex with a girl who has a yeast infection?

A. Yes, it can happen. Candida albicans, the yeast (a fungus) that causes yeast infections, likes to grow in acidic environments, like the vagina. Your mouth is also a similar environment to the inside of the vagina.

A yeast infection in the mouth is called thrush. (You may have heard of gay people or people with AIDs getting thrush). Thrush is treated with antifungal drugs (you need a prescription for that kind of drug). There are several new ones now that work well. If you have symptoms of a yeast infection in your mouth, like a white ‘covering’ on your throat, white spots on the back of your throat, or on the roof of your mouth make an appointment with a health care provider. Don’t worry, it can be treated.


Q. What happens to semen after it’s been ejaculated into a woman. Does it just stay there until it dies, or does it leak out? If it stays inside, what happens to it once it dies?

A. I get asked this question a lot, BTW.

After semen is ejaculated into the vagina, it can either travel farther up into the vagina, through the cervix, and then up the fallopian tubes, or drip out. Most of it will drip out when a woman stands up. Yes, it gets messy for women, panty liners help). Semen that remains in the body will carry sperm that can survive for approximately three to seven days. If a woman is trying to get pregnant, she should not stand up for at least 20 minutes after intercourse, but that is a subject I will address in an article.


Q. How long do sperm live if they do not fertilize an egg?

A. In laboratory settings, sperm have been found to live up to SEVEN days! Inside a vagina, probably for about three to seven days. The important part of this question is that if you have sex without using contraception up to five days before ovulation (when an egg is released from one ovary), the egg could be fertilized. So, if you have sex on Saturday you could potentially fertilize an egg that is released on Wednesday. The egg (ovum) has a much shorter life span (about twenty-four hours). So, having sex right before ovulation — and up to one day afterward — would be the ideal time for fertilization. If you really want to prevent a pregnancy don’t have sex around this time at all, even using birth control. If you want to get pregnant, do the math, it works.


Q. I stopped taking the pill over a month ago, but still no period, what’s up and when will I get my period again? (I have not had sex).

A. It is not uncommon for a woman’s first non-pill periods to be a week or two late. Sometimes they are missed entirely. It may take weeks or a couple of months before your ovaries are functioning correctly. The pill stopped you from ovulating, so sometimes your body is slower to “kick in”. If your periods were irregular before taking the pill, your periods may be irregular for a while after stopping.

If after two months (and you are NOT sexually active), and you are still not getting periods, see your health care provider, blood test can be done to determine your hormone levels.


Q. Can I give genital herpes to my boyfriend if I am not having an outbreak at the time?

A. Absolutely! Use a condom with care. For more on this topic, see the Genital Herpes article for more.


Amy - Teen's Health Expert

By Amy - Teen's Health Expert

Discover the dedicated author behind Teen Health Secrets, an experienced expert committed to providing in-depth knowledge and guidance on various aspects of teen health, ensuring young individuals lead healthy, informed lives.