poison ivy

Poison Ivy

ivyPoison ivy is a three leafed plant that grows as a vine or shrub practically everywhere in the United States. The plant, however, can take on a different appearance depending on the environment. Poison ivy causes an allergic reaction in about 10 -15 million Americans every year. (Dedicated to my Dad, who seems to get poison ivy every summer).


The rash from poison ivy and poison oak are very similar. Both are an itchy, red, often raised rash that results from exposure to an oil called urushiol found in the sap, stem, leaves, and roots of the plant. (Not everyone is allergic to this oil).

Urushiol can stick to the fur of animals, clothing, tools, etc., and unless washed off can continue to be a source of reinfection. The rash, which begins as redness and swelling, usually appears within 12 – 48 hours. Itchy blisters soon follow. It usually takes approximately 10 – 14 days for the rash to heal.


  • If you know exposure has occurred, wash all exposed areas with cold running water and soap. If done within 5 minutes, the water will neutralize the urushiol.
  • Wash all exposed clothing, camping, gardening and fishing gear. The urushiol can remain active for months causing reinfection.
  • Avoid scratching the blisters. Scratching does not spread the rash, but fingernail bacteria can cause infection.
  • Cool compresses or baths help to ease itching.
  • Hydrocortisone creme is available OTC at drug stores and may help to decrease itching. Calamine lotion or aloe vera gel may help to dry the rash and decrease the itch.
  • See your health care provider for severe reactions, or if sensitive areas such as the face or genitals are involved.


Common Myths About Poison Ivy…

Scratching the rash will cause it to spread. FALSE. Avoid scratching to prevent infection.

Poison ivy is contagious. FALSE. Poison ivy can only be transmitted by urushiol.

Once allergic, always allergic. FALSE. A person’s sensitivity changes over time.

Dead plants are not toxic. FALSE. Urushiol may be toxic for years.

Amy - Teen's Health Expert

By Amy - Teen's Health Expert

Discover the dedicated author behind Teen Health Secrets, an experienced expert committed to providing in-depth knowledge and guidance on various aspects of teen health, ensuring young individuals lead healthy, informed lives.