orgasm male

The period of emission and ejaculation is called the male orgasm. Penile erection involves a complex interaction between three systems of the body: the vascular system, the nervous system, and the endocrine system.


Although much research has been done on erectile function and dysfunction, many aspects of function still remain unclear. (Even with the invention of those blue pills you have seen advertised on TV.)

Erection results from dilation of the arteries in the penis and an increase in arterial blood under high pressure — to simplify things a bit. This causes the erectile tissue in the penis to become engorged. Erection also most likely involves several neurotransmitters.


joy With increasing intensity of the sexual stimulus, the reflex centers of the spinal cord begin to emit impulses that leave the cord to the genitals and initiate emission, which is the forerunner of ejaculation. Fluid from the vas deferens, the prostate, the ampulla, and the seminal vesicles (and even more tiny glands) are propelled into the internal urethra by contractions of the groin muscles*. The filling of the internal urethra elicits signals that are transmitted through the pudendal nerves from the spinal cord. Increases in pressure in the urethra cause the semen to be propelled to the exterior, resulting in ejaculation! The period of emission and ejaculation is termed male orgasm. After ejaculation erection ceases within 1 to 2 minutes in most males.

Hormonal Role?

It is apparent that sexual desire and performance depend on some threshold level of testosterone, however, this level varies from man to man. One of the greatest inhibitors of sexual functioning in males is loss of or low self-esteem and the development of a negative self-image.

Bulbocavernous muscles & ischiocavernous muscles. (for those that want to know). Bulbocavernous muscles are at the very base of the penis, the others are deeper in the groin around the penis.

See the Male Health Forum, for more guy related health and sexuality topics.

Worth Reading:

The Penis Book – An Owner’s Manual for Use, Maintenance, and Repair  Designed to help men understand more about sex, and to provide practical information about the make body — how it works and what to do if things go wrong. The book will help to allay common fears, correct misconceptions, and lead to a more physically and emotionally satisfying life. B & W line drawings throughout.

What Your Mother Never Told You about Sex!
– by Dr. Hutchinso n

Amy - Teen's Health Expert

By Amy - Teen's Health Expert

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