today at cn

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In the United States, in the next 24 hours…

   1,439 Teens will attempt  suicide,
6 of those attempts will end in death.

     Every 100 minutes another teenager will commit suicide. Learn to recognize the warning signs.

    2,795 Teenage girls will become  pregnant

    373 Teenager girls will miscarry

    1,295 Teen girls will give birth

    1,106 Teenagers have abortions

    48 Teens will contract the HIV virus

    623 Teenagers will get syphilis or

    9,506 Teens will take their first drink of alcohol

    11 Teens will be killed and over 350 will be injured in alcohol related auto accidents.

    3,561 Teens will  run away from home.

    2,806 Teenagers will drop out of

    2,989 Teens will see their parents divorce

    24 more Children/Teens will be sexually abused than were yesterday.

    12 kids, ages 19 and under will die from a gunshot wound

    1350 Teens will sustain a  sports

    35 percent more teenage girls are smoking now than 10 years ago.

    4,800 Teens will smoke their first cigarette each day, almost 2 million become regular smokers every year.

    1,440 people will be  raped, many of them will be teenagers.

In the United States 1 in 5 men will be raped in his lifetime, most before the age of 18. One in 3 women will be raped in her
lifetime, many as teenagers


Teens now account for over 30% of all sexually transmitted diseases.

About 1 million teens will become
pregnant this year in the USA — the highest rate of any industrialized country; 95% of
those pregnancies are unintended, and almost one third will end in abortion. See ‘Pregnancy‘ for more statistics.

One in 250 Americans is HIV positive; only one in 500 knows it.

Over 50% of all teens use alcohol or drugs . More teens than ever before are in need of help.

If you are a teenager in need of some kind of help, please see our Hotline list and call someone who will talk to you any time of the day, any day of the week. You are not alone, help is out there.

Most of these statistics are from the U.S. Dept. of Justice, 2001-2002 & The Children’s Defense Fund, 2002. They will be updated as soon as the data is available.

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.

February is National
Children’s Dental Health Month

March is National Nutrition Month & Kidney Health Month.

April is Alcohol
Awareness Month
and STD Awareness Month.

May is Allergy and
Asthma Awareness Month; May 7th is Teen Pregnancy Awareness Day. May is also Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month.

June is Headache
Month and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

July is Sexual Health Awareness Month and Nat’l Blueberry Month.

August is Cataract Awareness Month. Learn about your Eyes, Eye Care and Cool Eye Facts. Be kind to your eyes!

September is Menopause Awareness Month and Lymphoma Awareness Month.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Vegetarian Awareness Month.

November is Smoking Awareness Month and Diabetes Awareness Month.

December is HIV Awareness Month – Get informed! One in 250 Americans is HIV positive and only one in 500 knows


Amy - Teen's Health Expert

By Amy - Teen's Health Expert

Discover the dedicated author behind Teen Health Secrets, an experienced expert committed to providing in-depth knowledge and guidance on various aspects of teen health, ensuring young individuals lead healthy, informed lives.