glossary xyz

Calendar Method ”:
A method of predicting fertility for women with regular menstrual cycles in an attempt to predict their fertility by charting their menstrual cycles on a calendar. NOT a recommended method of birth control for teenager or people who do not want to get pregnant

Candida :
A type of yeast and a common cause of vaginitis. About 80 percent of yeast infections are caused by a specific species of Candida, called Candida albicans.

Abstaining from sexual intercourse or sometimes sexual contact. Also known as Abstinence.

The official suppression of information or expression.

Cervical Cap :
A rubber cap intended to fit securely over the cervix. Used with contraceptive jelly, the cervical cap is a barrier method of birth control. Available only by prescription after being ‘fitted’ by a health care provider.

Cervix :
The lower part of the uterus that protrudes into the vaginal canal with an opening connecting the uterus to the vagina. It has an opening (os) that allows passage of menstrual flow from the uterus and passage of sperm into the uterus. (It is the “neck of the uterus” — cervix means neck in Latin and “cervical” may also be applied to mean the neck of the body). The cervix is capable of dilating during labor and delivery of a baby. See Sexual FAQ 15 – half way down the page. Or see “Vagina”.

The primary lesion of syphilis, occurring at the sight of entry of the infection.
Chancroid: A soft, non-syphilitic venereal sore caused by a bacteria. Almost always spread by sexual contact.

Chastity Belt :
A variety of devices designed to prevent women, men, or children from having sex. Used from medieval to modern times. Some were meant to ensure fidelity in women in the absence of their husbands. Others were designed to prevent masturbation and nocturnal emissions in men and boys.

Slang term for the hymen. Figuratively used for virginity, as in “to pop someone’s cherry”, as in to take someone’s virginity.

Child Pornography:
Images of children designed to be sexually arousing.

Chlamydia :
A common sexually transmitted disease that can cause sterility in women and men. The number ONE STD in the USA and Canada.

Circumcision :
A surgical procedure to remove the foreskin of the penis.

Climax :
An orgasm.

Clitoral Hood :
A small flap of skin that covers the clitoris.

The female sex organ that is very sensitive to the touch. Located between the labia at the top of the vulva. See vagina for more.

Sexual union by vagina between male and female; usually applied to the mating process in human beings.

Coitus Interruptus:
Coitus in which the penis is withdrawn from the vagina before ejaculation.

“Coming Out”:
The process of accepting and being open about one’s sexual orientation. See “Homosexuality” for more and resources.

The Comstock Act:
An 1873 law that made it a federal crime to use the U.S. mail to distribute anything considered “obscene, lewd, lascivious, indecently filthy, or vile,” including information about contraception, abortion, and sexual health.

The moment when the pre-embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus and pregnancy begins; a term also used to describe the fertilization of the egg.

Condom :
A sheath latex (or animal tissue) that is worn on the penis during sexual intercourse. An over-the-counter, easily accessible, method of birth control. It also provides protection against the many sexually transmitted diseases (STD).

Contraception :
The prevention of pregnancy. Birth control.

Contraceptive Jelly or Cream:
Substances containing spermicide which immobilizes sperm, preventing them from joining with the egg. Used with diaphragms, condoms or cervical caps. These are over-the-counter barrier methods of birth control that are easily accessible.

Contraceptive Foam :
A foam spermicide that is inserted deep into the vagina with an applicator. The substance blocks the entrance to the uterus with bubbles and then the spermicide immobilize sperm. An over-the-counter method of birth control. Most effective when used with a condom.

Contraceptive Suppository :
A solid that melts into a fluid liquid to immobilize sperm. An over-the-counter, barrier method of birth control. Most effective when used with a condom.

Corpus Cavernosa:
Two strips of tissue that lie on each side of the urethra in the penis. During sexual excitement, they fill with blood to create an erection.

Corpus Spongiosum:
The tissue that surrounds the urethra inside the penis and is responsible, like the corpus cavernosa, for an erection; also the type of tissue that forms the glans of the clitoris and the penis.

Cowper’s Glands:
The glands beneath the prostate gland that are attached to the urethra. They produce a substance that makes seminal fluid sticky.

Cremaster Reflex:
A response by the male body to stimulation (for example, cold temperature or touching the inside of the thigh) in which the cremaster muscle pulls the scrotum and testes closer to the body.

Cross Dressers:
Women and men who like to wear various articles of clothing associated with the other gender. (Not necessarily for sexual excitement).

The condition in which one or both of the testicles do not descend from the lower abdomen before puberty.

Cunniligus – Oral sex performed on a female.

A bladder infection.

Cytomegalovirus or CMV:
A member of the herpes virus group, which includes herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, varicella-zoster virus (which causes chickenpox), and Epstein-Barr virus (which causes mononucleosis). These viruses share a characteristic ability to remain dormant within the body over a long period.

Transmission of CMV occurs from person to person. Infection requires close, intimate contact with a person excreting the virus in their saliva, urine, or other bodily fluids. CMV can be sexually transmitted and can also be transmitted via breast milk, transplanted organs, and rarely from blood transfusions.

CMV infection is important to certain high-risk groups. Major areas of concern are the risk of infection to the unborn baby during pregnancy, the risk of infection to the immunocompromised person, such as organ transplant recipients and persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Recurrent disease rarely occurs unless the person’s immune system is suppressed due to therapeutic drugs or disease. So, for the most people a CMV infection is not a serious problem. For more information see the CDC. If you are at risk get tested by a blood test.

Amy - Teen's Health Expert

By Amy - Teen's Health Expert

Discover the dedicated author behind Teen Health Secrets, an experienced expert committed to providing in-depth knowledge and guidance on various aspects of teen health, ensuring young individuals lead healthy, informed lives.