eatdis risk
  • Do you obsess about food and feel ashamed about your present body size or weight?
  • Do you vomit or take diet pills or laxatives for an extended period of time or in excess of directed use?
  • Do you ever starve yourself?
  • Do you feel guilty or punish yourself after you eat?
  • Do you start a new diet every morning, or every week?
  • Do you exercise excessively?
  • Do you spend increasingly more time in the bathroom?
  • Do you avoid discussing food?
  • Do you weigh yourself daily or more than once a day?
  • Do you feel depressed and isolated?
  • Do you avoid social activities or mandatory functions such as school or work in order to maintain your daily regimen of diet and exercise?
  • Do you experience frequent mood swings?
  • If you are a woman, have you had interruptions in your menstrual cycle or an absence of your period? If you or someone you know exhibits or demonstrates any of these behaviors, then susceptibility to an eating disorder is possible.
  • Do these questions piss you off?

To the Eating Disorder CN article…

Go to our Mind Links page for Eating Disorder sites on the web.

Amy - Teen's Health Expert

By Amy - Teen's Health Expert

Discover the dedicated author behind Teen Health Secrets, an experienced expert committed to providing in-depth knowledge and guidance on various aspects of teen health, ensuring young individuals lead healthy, informed lives.